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85: The file is locked

Добавлено: 06 май 2003, 15:18
После переезда но новый сервер при кол-ве юзеров более 15 выходит такая ошибка.
Pervasive 7SQL + патчи-лицензия на 50 польз.
Кто сталкивался? Куда вначале копать?

85: The file is locked
The MicroKernel returns this status code in one of the following situations:

The workstation MicroKernel has a file open, and client machine that has the Requester loaded tries to open the same file via the server MicroKernel. The server MicroKernel cannot open the file because it cannot obtain exclusive access. The client machine that has the Requester loaded receives this status code.
In a workstation engine environment, the MicroKernel can return this status code on an Open, Insert, Update, or Delete operation for a file under heavy usage by multiple users or tasks. The MicroKernel must momentarily have exclusive access to the file during these operations, and it retries the operation several times before returning this status code. In this case, the application can reissue the operation. In addition, you can reconfigure the workstation MicroKernel with a lower Operation Bundle Limit and Initiation Time Limit to reduce the amount of time the MicroKernel keeps a lock on the file. Refer to the Pervasive.SQL Advanced Operations Guide for more information on how to do this.
While one user has a file locked in an exclusive transaction, another user attempts to lock all or part of that file.
When opened by a MicroKernel, a file is in transition into Continuous Operation mode. Retrying eventually works.
When opened by a MicroKernel, two data files have the same filename but different extensions (for example, INVOICE.HDR and INVOICE.DET). One file is open and in Continuous Operation mode, causing the MicroKernel to generate a delta file (for example, INVOICE.^^^). The MicroKernel returns this status code when you attempt to open the second file. For this reason, we recommend naming your files with completely different names, not just reusing the same name with different extensions.
When opened by a Windows NT server MicroKernel using Microsoft File and Print Services for NetWare on behalf of a Win16 Windows client, the file was also opened simultaneously by a Win32 Windows NT or Windows 9x machine. This causes the server MicroKernel to open the same physical file using two different paths.
Without any pattern of occurrence, you may receive a status 85 when the file is closed because Anti-Virus software opens and locks the file to scan causing the next database operation to fail. To resolve, set the Anti-Virus software to not scan Pervasive SQL data files. Consult your Anti-Virus software manual for instructions on how to exclude files.

Re: 85: The file is locked

Добавлено: 06 май 2003, 15:38
А что у нас с пиковыми значениями files и handle? Сервер win or Novell?

Re: 85: The file is locked

Добавлено: 06 май 2003, 15:50
И что еще в pvsw.log?

Re: 85: The file is locked

Добавлено: 06 май 2003, 16:03
Кажись нашли: кол-во макс сессий стояло 15 :(
Почемуто не проставилось из лицензий ;)
на старом 50 автоматом стояло а здесь 15.

Re: 85: The file is locked

Добавлено: 06 май 2003, 16:12
Есть и такая фишка... :)
Но сообщение странное. У меня при превышении количества сессий другое выскакивало.